Lead AND Manage: Stop Being a 1-Trick Leadership Pony
Over-relying on your default approach makes you a 1-trick leadership pony. You can’t be effective, no matter how capable, intelligent, extroverted, correct or successful you are.
Tell me if this sounds familiar …
You’ve put your all into leading your team, getting them organized and keeping them focused. You’ve set the tone by coming in early and staying late, driving results and pursuing achievement.
Then at some point you realize you’ve arrived at a crossroads. The things that worked previously with your team don’t work anymore. They don’t respond. You sense they don’t trust you, or believe in you; or … something.
And Your Point Is…?
You probably need to expand the way you influence your team: You must lead AND manage.
“The things that worked previously with your team don’t work anymore. They don’t trust you, or believe in you; or … something.”
So What?
Most of us lean on EITHER 1) management disciplines or 2) Leadership disciplines. Let’s unpack them.
Management is “doing things right.” It prioritizes processes, accuracy, metrics and repeatability. Without management, companies are inefficient and can’t grow or scale. They can’t repeat their successes—and almost always repeat their failures.
Leadership is “doing the right things.” it focuses on things like innovation, being opportunistic, agile and adaptable. Without leadership, organizations become risk-averse and inwardly focused. They don’t drive results, and they become unresponsive to customers and marketplace opportunities.
“Without management, companies can’t repeat their successes—and almost always repeat their failures.”
We all have a natural bias for (and often against) one discipline over the other. Our default behaviors eventually become predictable and stale. Then when the pressure’s on we double-down on our default discipline. We over-rely on its strengths and its weaknesses show up as glaring gaps in our leadership competency.
Our team feels either the chaos that comes from over-leading or the irrelevance that comes from over-managing. They get demotivated and disengage, eventually losing trust in us. Consciously or unconsciously, they choose not to follow us.
Over-relying on your leadership or management makes you a one-trick pony. You can’t be effective, no matter how capable, intelligent, extroverted, correct or successful you are.
“Without leadership, organizations don’t drive results and they become unresponsive to customers and marketplace opportunities.”
The Big Picture
Neither discipline is right or wrong, although leadership is often promoted as being sexier. And neither is preferred, though typically it’s best to lead first and follow with management.
Managing and leading are not mutually exclusive, they are necessarily complementary. Meaning, you must lead AND manage if you want to be effective.
Your Next Step
Identifying your default tendencies is pretty simple and straightforward. Simply observe yourself and take note of what drives you, or have someone you trust assess you. The challenge comes in deliberately practicing them.
“Managing and leading are not mutually exclusive, they are necessarily complementary.”
Here’s a longer article on this topic at Medium.com.
Need some practical help on this?
Check out John Kotter’s classic On What Leaders Really Do. It defined the issue for me, and offers in-depth insight on this issue.
What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – Losing Your Cool Can Be Deadly
The day before my final commute I got a sobering reminder that letting emotions drive you almost never works in your favor.
Recently I left a job at a great company but with a long daily commute. This is the 6th post of an 8-blog series on things I learned about leadership on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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The day before my final commute into the office, an unfortunate incident occurred on the Howard Franklin Bridge over Tampa Bay. The drivers of an SUV and a pickup had a disagreement, and the SUV began tailgating the pickup at high speed. The game was now on.
The pickup changed lanes several times with the SUV in close pursuit. The vehicles clipped, causing the SUV to roll several times, hit the concrete barrier and go into the water. Authorities found the driver’s body the next day, a tragic end to an everyday commute that, by all appearances, was caused by one or both drivers losing their temper.
It was a sobering reminder to avoid getting complacent on my final commute.
And Your Point Is…?
Life’s too short to lose your cool.
So What?
It’s normal to experience frustration when things don’t go as expected. Disagreements, differences of opinion and disappointments with other people cannot be avoided.
But losing our cool can be.
As leaders, it’s fine to be passionate about what we do. In fact, I would argue that some level of leadership passion is necessary to influence people to do the right thing and uphold values and priorities.
But we should steer away from operating by emotion and calling it passion. These are two very different things. Emotional leadership is reactionary and situational, and usually indicates a loss of self-control. It makes us unpredictable, and it destroys trust.
Passionate leadership, on the other hand, is values-based and ethos-driven, so it’s usually predictable. It’s a visible cue that we’re advocating for something important.
“…some level of leadership passion is necessary…”
I’m not suggesting that leaders should be uber-stoic and avoid any displays of emotion. After all, we are emotional beings; it’s only natural that we display appropriate levels of emotion (sadness, disappointment, joy, compassion, etc.).
The key is to not let emotions drive our leadership behavior, and instead let leadership drive our emotional behavior.
“Emotional leadership is reactionary and situational, and usually indicates a loss of self-control.”
The Big Picture
Emotional leadership means being driven by emotion. It makes leadership behaviors volatile and situational. Instead of influencing your environment, your environment is influencing you.
Emotion comes out of the blue and is unpredictable. Passion comes from the gut and doesn’t often change.
Your Next Step
Avoiding emotional leadership is self-leadership. We must be able to lead ourselves before we can expect to effectively lead others.
“Passion comes from the gut and doesn’t often change”
Want more leadership insights?
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What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – You See What You Look For
If you’re leading others, it’s vital that you see the obvious things other people can’t—or won’t.
Recently I left a job at a great company but with a long daily commute. This is the 5th post of an 8-blog series on things I learned about leadership on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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To avoid the bulk of the traffic (and the accompanying delays), I went into work early. Many times this meant driving in the dark, when you can’t see as well. Or see as much. Or as far.
Or even more weirdly, you tend to see only the things you expect to see.
I worked for a logistics company, so it was a fairly common experience to see golf carts driving around the campus. One dark morning after entering the facility, I was surprised by a cart that “suddenly” appeared in front of me. Even though I was undistracted and watching for traffic, and despite the fact that the cart had its headlights on and a flashing orange light on the top, I didn’t see it until it was very close to me.
Reflecting on it later, I realized I didn’t see it because I was looking for cars, not golf carts.
And Your Point Is…?
When you’re driving hard and your perspective gets limited, you tend to see only what you’re looking for.
“I didn’t see it because I was looking for cars, not golf carts”
So What?
As a cyclist I can attest to being on the other side of this phenomena. Sometimes people driving cars simply don’t see bicycles (or motorcycles or pedestrians) because they’re looking for what they expect to see: other cars.
This is a human tendency that influences us at almost every level. It shows up when we keep a pessimistic, glass-half-empty perspective. It happens when we overlook opportunities. It contributes to having a fixed mindset. It reveals itself when we judge prematurely or act on a bias. It shows up when we’re stuck in a limiting habit we don’t even know exists. It happens when we get into conflict with others. It happens when we drive hard for results or achievement.
In other words, it can happen anywhere, anytime.
But it doesn’t have to.
“It can happen anywhere, anytime. But it doesn’t have to”
The Big Picture
It’s human nature: We choose to see what we see. So it’s a discipline to begin looking objectively, rather than selectively. It requires staying in a constant state of curiosity to look beyond what we expect. It’s the curious ones who are usually in a better position to solve problems, innovate, collaborate, excel and influence.
If you’re leading others, it’s all the more vital that you see the obvious things other people can’t—or won’t.
Your Next Step
What is one thing you can do maintain a base level of curiosity?
“If you’re leading others, it’s all the more vital that you see the obvious things other people can’t—or won’t.”
Want more leadership insights?
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What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – You Hit What You Aim For
If you don’t have a clear picture of what kind of leader you want to be, is it really a surprise that you’re not as effective as you could be?
recently left a position with a great company, but with a long daily commute. This is the fourth post of an 8-week series on things about leadership that I learned on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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It’s easy to get bored driving the same road every day. To break the monotony I started attempting to avoid the reflectors when I changed lanes (when there were no other cars around, of course!).
After months of trying I had some occasional successes. But truth be told, I sucked at it—which troubled me because I knew I was a better driver than that.
Then one day I had an epiphany: Instead of aiming to miss the reflectors, I needed to aim for the stripe between them. The difference was instant and amazing.
As soon as I adjusted my aim point, I had almost immediate success. I could predict where my wheels were going. I could anticipate when to initiate the lane change and intentionally drive where I wanted to go. Ultimately, getting really clear on my target allowed me to get better.
And Your Point Is…?
You hit what you aim for.
“Getting really clear on my target allowed me to get better.”
So What?
First (and most obvious), not aiming is the same as aiming at nothing—you’re going to hit something, you just don’t know what it will be. When I first started my game I tried to “feel” my way into the next lane and hope for the best. Didn’t work.
Second, if your aim is off target, that’s what you’ll hit: everything except the target. This was my aha experience with the reflectors: In attempting to miss them, I was actually still aiming for them. The reflectors is what I was concentrating on. In focusing on the challenge, I was blind to seeing the solution.
“Not aiming is the same as aiming at nothing—you’re going to hit something, you just don’t know what it will be.”
The Big Picture
Consider how your aim comes into play when you compare A) aiming for success (the stripe), to B) aiming for avoiding failure (missing the reflectors). Aiming to NOT fail is NOT aiming for success.
“In focusing on the challenge, I was blind to seeing the solution.”
Some simple real world examples might be “I’ll be less critical in my feedback” or “I’ll be more aggressive in producing outcomes.” Typically, any goal stated in such squishy terms is likely not to be met. Not only is the outcome not measurable, the path to achievement is obscure. This is a common concept in managing performance (a la setting SMART goals), but for some reason many people have difficulty applying the concept in managing development—especially their own.
Your Next Step
What’s an area you’d like to improve in that you’ve set goals around not failing? How can you reset them so they’re focused on the target?
“Aiming to NOT fail is NOT aiming for success.”
Want more leadership insights?
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What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – Watch Out For People Advancing Their Own Position
When it comes to your leadership, do you really want to be known as the aggressive driver trying to get ahead of everyone else?
I recently left a position with a great company, but with a long daily commute. This is the third of an 8-week blog series on things about leadership that I learned on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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At one point in my commuting history I was averaging close to one major evasive maneuver per week. “Major” meaning that had I not taken significant action I would have been calling my insurance company—if not the ambulance.
Usually it was someone changing lanes (see my last post: Stay Visible). Often it was somebody “shooting the gap” to cross two lanes of traffic (rarely a good idea). More than once I’ve had pickups or service trucks pull alongside me then without signaling move into the “space” between me and the car in front of me—even though they hadn’t yet cleared my front bumper.
Almost always it was someone trying to get ahead of everyone else. Even though traffic was heavy, they felt compelled to zig-and-zag, forcing themselves ahead, expending a lot of effort to get in front of others.
And Your Point Is…?
I get competitiveness and wanting to win, but is getting ahead of the people you’re driving with really worth the potential damage?
“They felt compelled to zig-and-zag, forcing themselves ahead, expending a lot of effort to get in front of others.”
So What?
The marketplace is competitive (duh). Aggressiveness is often (usually?) seen as a strength; it gets you noticed. In particular, I think of business development roles where being a competitor is a desirable trait. But for most other roles, you should reconsider using competitiveness as your primary MO, because it comes with lots of potential—and usually hidden—damage.
You can damage relationships. When you push people aside to get ahead of them, you make it incredibly hard for them to trust you again. You’ll have to put in much more effort to overcome the perception that you’re really only interested in yourself.
“When you push people aside to get ahead of them, you make it incredibly hard for them to trust you again.”
You can damage your opportunity to influence. You’re not building into people; it doesn’t build a mutual purpose, accountability, motivation or camaraderie.
Your competitive approach may bring short term results, but it will eventually boomerang. You’re feeding a cutthroat culture where people become expendable and teamwork is transactional, not relational. And when you most need people to respond to your call to action, they simply won’t.
“When you most need people to respond to your call to action, they simply won’t.”
The Big Picture
When it comes to your leadership behaviors, what goes around comes around. If you honor people and their effort they will respond in kind. If you push them aside in pursuit of your own interests you’ll find yourself very alone.
Your Next Step
How can you be hungry for results but in a way that makes others better (instead of pushes them aside)?
Want more leadership insights?
Check out:
What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – Stay Visible
You can’t lead effectively if people don’t know you’re there. So how do you increase your visibility?
I recently left a position with a great company, but with a long daily commute. This is the second of an 8-week blog series on things about leadership that I learned on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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Aside from following too close, improper lane changes were the most frequent cause of incidents I saw on the interstate. Near misses due to other cars changing lanes was a frequent event. Sometimes it was innocent; they weren’t trying to not see me. Other times it seemed they didn’t even make an effort to check for another car.
Ultimately, their intention was irrelevant: I wanted to be proactive to let them know I was there.
The reality is that every driver—including me—has blind spots (I’ll touch on this more in a future post). Because of this, I found it a best practice to avoid driving next to another car in their rear quarter for more than 5-10 seconds. If I felt I was in a potential blind spot, I would speed up or slow down so the other driver could see me out of the corner of their eyes. I didn’t want to make myself vulnerable by not being visible.
And Your Point Is…?
If people don’t see you, they drive like you’re not there.
So What?
Not to overstate the obvious, but one of the primary ways you become visible is through good performance. Keep your commitments. Do your job well and make yourself into an asset for the team.
“I didn’t want to make myself vulnerable by not being visible.”
Beyond that, you should be aware of your best contribution—one that matches your wiring, giftedness and God-given talent (hopefully that you’ve been honing and crafting). Sometimes that means speaking first or loudest; other times it means speaking last or most profoundly. Sometimes creativity, accuracy, or comprehensiveness are most helpful. Other times it’s boldness, confidence or even compassion.
There are catalysts, analysts, implementors and supporters. Showing up most effectively to meet the greatest need of the moment will help you be more visible.
A word of caution: You can over-do this. Sometimes pushing or trying too hard to make yourself visible will work against you. The art comes in knowing how much presence to push; how big to show up.
“Showing up most effectively to meet the greatest need of the moment will help you be more visible.”
The Big Picture
Leadership is ultimately about influence. There are so many ways to influence others’ thoughts, perspectives, behaviors, approaches, processes and values. But you can’t influence if people don’t know you’re there, so be clear on what approach works best for you.
Your Next Step
How can you know your best, most natural contribution to your team? Who do you know/trust who will help you discover it?
Want more leadership insights?
Check out:
What Commuting Taught Me About Leadership – Following Is a Part of Driving
You can’t lead effectively if people don’t know you’re there. So how do you increase your visibility?
I recently left a position with a great company, but with a long daily commute. This is the first post of an 8-week series on things about leadership that I learned on those long and tedious hours on the road.
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Some people navigate traffic skillfully, consistently. They know when to brake, and do so evenly. They’re always in the best lane and flow well in traffic. They give all the proper signals. They seem to have good automotive “body language”: Cool, calm, collected, thinking, aware. They seem to make good driving decisions.
These drivers put me at ease. They make it easy to follow; I can trust them.
Others, by contrast, are erratic. They force themselves into spaces they shouldn’t. They constantly shift from one lane to another—without signaling—or speed-up-slow-down and force the cars behind them to constantly adjust their own speed (very dangerous in heavy traffic). They panic brake or divert onto the shoulder to avoid hitting the braking car in front of them. They have zero situational awareness, seemingly only interested in themselves.
These drivers always make me nervous. I tend to pull back and keep my distance. Frankly, I can’t trust them because I have no idea what they’re going to do.
“Frankly, I can’t trust them because I have no idea what they’re going to do.”
And Your Point Is…?
In traffic or in leadership, following someone is an inevitable reality.
So What?
First, be aware of who you’re following. Whether it’s your manager or someone else, how they drive (their work) should give you an indication of whether you A) want to leave a bit of distance between the two of you, or B) can be confident enough to follow them more closely.
There’s an old adage that I’ve found to be generally true: Teams usually reflect the qualities of their leader, for better or worse. Very likely, some of your leader’s driving habits are already affecting your own. You may want to be more deliberate about making some level of adjustment in the way you follow.
“Very likely, some of your leader’s driving habits are already affecting your own.”
Second, be aware that others are following you—or better said, they are choosing whether to follow you or not. Are you driving (your work) in a way that makes others trust you: Consistent, calm, cool and collected? Or are you erratic, shifting lanes, not signaling and operating without situational awareness?
The Big Picture
Almost all of us are both leading (even if we’re only leading ourselves) and following. Having more awareness to how and why we’re doing both will reveal ways to improve our leadership.
Your Next Step
Look in your rear-view mirror and ask yourself: Are those following me keeping a safe distance from my leadership, and if so, why?
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